39 Troutman Pepper Locke Lawyers Recognized as Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyers
Mar 10 2025
NEW YORK – Thomson Reuters has recognized 39 Troutman Pepper Locke attorneys as “Stand-out Lawyers.” As part of Thomson Reuters’ Sharplegal study, more than 2,000 senior legal buyers around the world are asked to nominate up to three lawyers they have worked with within the last 12 months who have stood out to them above all the other lawyers they interact with.
Those recognized are noted for their ability to improve client satisfaction, increase client advocacy, grow share of wallet, strengthen their firm’s brand, enhance people engagement, and increase profits per partner.
Troutman Pepper Locke’s 2025 Stand-out Lawyers:
Thomson Reuters’ Stand-out Lawyers database features more than 15,000 client-nominated, stand-out lawyers in private practice. Those included are identified as stand-outs by senior in-house counsel in large organizations. The database is entirely free from law firm influence.
Troutman Pepper Locke
Troutman Pepper Locke helps clients solve complex legal challenges and achieve their business goals in an ever-changing global economy. With more than 1,600 attorneys in 30+ offices, the firm serves clients in all major industry sectors, with particular depth in energy, financial services, health care and life sciences, insurance and reinsurance, private equity, and real estate. Learn more at troutman.com.