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Inside Practice’s Legal AI Pathfinder’s Assembly: New York 2023

Sep 18 2023

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Thursday, December 7 • 11:45 a.m. ET

Troutman Pepper Principal Jason Lichter and Director of Innovation Solutions Andrew Medeiros will be speaking at Inside Practice’s Legal AI Pathfinder’s Assembly in New York on December 7, 2023. Their session “Collaboration, Education, and Innovation: A Comprehensive Dive into Troutman Pepper’s AI Journey,” takes place at 11:45 a.m. ET.

The Legal AI Pathfinder’s Assembly is A Generative Think Tank and Peer-to-Peer Exchange for Law Firms Charting their Respective AI Roadmaps. Andrew and Jason’s session will take a deep dive into the AI path Troutman has already traveled and the next steps for the firm and its clients in their continued exploration and adoption of generative AI.

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